MTC and the Association of Bay Area Government (ABAG) this month approved further study of the Final Blueprint for Plan Bay Area 2050+.
News Features

This summer, nearly 13,800 Bay Area residents were active in the second round of public engagement for Plan Bay Area 2050+, culminating in an outreach effort that was among the most extensive in the plan’s history.

What do you want the Bay Area’s future to look like? More affordable housing? Better transit? Cleaner air?
We want to hear from you!

Bay Area transit’s ongoing transformation into a more connected, more efficient and more customer-focused mobility network today took another step forward as transit agency and MTC staff at the July meeting of the Regional Network Management Council unveiled the Draft Transit 2050+ Network.

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC)’s and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG)’s newly released Plan Bay Area 2050+ Draft Blueprint analysis outlines how the nine-county region can advance an affordable, connected, diverse, healthy and vibrant Bay Area for all residents by the year 2050.

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) today released a draft update to the Bay Area’s roster of Equity Priority Communities (EPCs). The agencies invite partners and technical stakeholders to provide comments, ask questions or offer other feedback about the updated draft EPC maps and related materials.

The Joint MTC Planning Committee with the ABAG Administrative Committee on Jan.

Nearly 3,000 Bay Area residents participated in this summer’s first round of engagement for Plan Bay Area 2050+, a limited and focused update to Plan Bay Area 2050, the long-range plan for transportation, housing, the economy and the environment that was adopted by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABA

During two webinars set for November, learn how Bay Area freeway travel, transit and safety could be improved in 2035, including the potential of all-lane freeway pricing.

How is the “new normal” shaping your life?
Staff from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and Association of Bay Area Governments need your input on how life in the Bay Area has changed as the region emerges from the pandemic. The survey is open now through September 7: